Invitation India International Ceramic & Building Material Fair IICBMF
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It is our privilege to inform you that under the auspices of Ministry of
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It is our privilege to inform you that under the auspices of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, as a part of export promotion programme, CAPEXIL is organising a Virtual India International Ceramic & Building Material Fair with B2B Meet (Virtual) during 8th to 11th March 2022 (4 days) in CAPEXIL’s virtual platform with 30 Indian Exporters and more than 1000 Overseas Importers.
30 established CAPEXIL Members / Indian Exporters from MSME segment to large conglomerate of Ceramics & Allied Products (specially from Ceramic Tiles & Sanitarywares as primary products) covering all categories of Ceramic Products viz. Ceramic tiles, Sanitarywares, Roofing tiles, Vitrified Tiles, Wall Tiles, Floor Tiles, Porcelain Tiles etc. will be participating in this event, followed by series of virtual B2B Meets under MAKE IN INDIA Initiative of the Govt. of India
This is an initiative to bridge the gap between Indian products and demand for Ceramics and Allied Products in Albania, Moldova and Romania in the post-pandemic era and thereby would like to contribute a bit to mitigate the international business and expand our exports.
The prime objective of the said event is to promote bilateral trade between India & European Region in general and with Albania, Moldova and Romania in particular and to export from India various Ceramics & Allied Products as specified above.
I am writing to cordially invite you to join the India International Ceramic & Building Material Fair with B2B Meet during 8th to 11th March 2022 (4 days) in CAPEXIL’s virtual platform. We would also request you to please register your participation using the link
An e-flyer of the Summit is also attached.
A detailed profile of the Indian Exhibitors are also attached. A powerpoint presentation on Indian ceramic industry is also enclosed.
For any further details and assistance CAPEXIL can be contacted :-
Shri Narendra Mohan, Executive Officer, CAPEXIL, New Delhi, Email:,
Mob. +91 9811422144( Call & WhatsApp)
Shri Kuntal Ghosh, Executive Officer, CAPEXIL, Kolkata, Email:, Mob. +91 9674992355 (Call & WhatsApp)
Embassy of India Bucharest look forward to your kind support in making the event a grand success.
8 martie 2022 - 11 martie 2022 (Toată ziua)(GMT+02:00)
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